28- and 30-Day Drug Rehab Programs

3 min read · 7 sections
Month-long rehab programs tend to strike a balance between often-inaccessible longer-term residential treatment and very brief intensive levels of care. These 28- and 30-day inpatient rehab programs offer an intensive level of care for people who are struggling with substance use issues.1
What you will learn:
What is involved in a 30-day rehab program
What happens during a 30-day rehab program
Costs associated with a 30-day rehab program
How to find a 30-day rehab near you

What is a 30-Day Rehab Program?

As their name suggests, 30-day drug rehab programs are relatively short-term substance abuse treatment programs usually lasting around a month. Though the exact number of days in one’s treatment stay may vary slightly, month-long rehab program generally last between 3-6 weeks.1

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The treatment components incorporated in each rehab program may vary between facilities, but many 30-day rehab programs offer some combination of behavioral therapy with medical care, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for certain types of substance use disorders, to best treat each patient’s needs. Other treatment techniques that may be incorporated into month-long programs include participation in 12-step meetings as part of a structured, comprehensive care strategy for people who are struggling with substance use disorders.1

These programs are also known as short-term residential treatment because you stay at the treatment facility and typically don’t leave for the duration of your treatment.1 You eat, sleep, and receive all of your treatment at the facility. As your recovery progresses, many facilities schedule visiting hours when you can see friends and family.

American Addiction Centers’ nationwide rehab centers offer treatment to many unique populations for varying lengths of time. Call one of our admissions navigators below to learn more about our intensive rehab programs.

What Happens During a 30-Day Treatment Program?

30-day rehab facilities offer a variety of treatment services. Not all facilities offer every service, but many facilities provide some combination of many different treatment options. Treatment may start with drug detox or alcohol detox, where you are supervised and monitored around the clock as your body goes through the withdrawal process while clearing all the drugs from your system.1 For some types of substance dependence, medications may be provided to ease symptoms of withdrawal. Medical detox may be particularly helpful for managing the acute withdrawal period after quitting alcohol, benzodiazepines, or opioids.1

How Do I Find a 30-Day Rehab Near Me?

American Addiction Centers’ (AAC’s) rehabilitation programs vary in duration and are tailored to meet your unique needs. Our treatment centers provide aftercare planning and offer various avenues of support after you’ve completed inpatient treatment. After completing one of our rehab programs, you will be better equipped to face the challenges associated with early recovery if you have a robust support network, such as offered through our virtual support groups, alumni groups, and recovery housing.

After you’ve completed a 30-day inpatient rehab, you may also choose to attend outpatient treatment at an AAC facility, which provides a smooth transition to a relatively less-intensive level of care while balancing your daily responsibilities such as school, work, taking care of children, and managing your household.

How Much Does 30-Day Drug Rehab Cost?

The cost of inpatient rehabs varies. Most residential inpatient facilities in the United States accept private or state-funded health insurance, while other treatment centers may be state-funded rehabs or accept Medicaid. Federal law ensures that health insurance plans that offer behavioral health benefits provide coverage that is equivalent to what they offer for physical health benefits.4 Depending on your specific insurance plan, you may be able to access treatment for little or no cost. Getting treatment can save significant amounts of money in the long-run by reducing costs associated with potential health problems, accidents, and legal issues.1 The cost of rehab is an incredible long-term investment in your future and your health.

How Do I Know I Need 30-Day Rehab?

Choosing to go to a 30-day residential rehab program is a very personal decision. In many cases, there may be several warning signs to indicate that you may have an issue with compulsive drinking or using drugs and might benefit from professional treatment at a rehab facility. Professionals may evaluate these “warning signs” as criteria for diagnosing a potential substance use disorder. These diagnostic criteria include:5,6

  • Continuing to use substances even after it has caused or worsened mental or physical health problems.
  • Continuing to use substances even after it has caused or worsened problems in your relationships with family or friends.
  • Cutting back or quitting hobbies or activities that were important to you because of using drugs or drinking.
  • Using in situations that could be physically dangerous, such as while driving or operating machinery.
  • Experiencing blackouts or legal troubles as a result of substance use.
  • Having difficulty controlling how much or for how long you use.
  • Having trouble managing your responsibilities at work, school, or home because of substance use.
  • Needing to use more substances than usual to get high or drunk, due to developing a tolerance.
  • Spending a significant portion of time drinking, using drugs, or being hungover.
  • Thinking about or experiencing cravings for substances.
  • Wanting or trying to cut back or quit drinking or using drugs, but being unable to.
  • Experiencing withdrawal when trying to stop drinking or using drugs.

Only a licensed professional can diagnose you with a substance use disorder and determine whether you need substance use treatment. If you think that you have an issue with alcohol or drugs, you can contact your family physician or speak to one of AAC’s admissions navigators by calling . We can help you determine the right path for you and guide you in taking your next healthy steps.

Still Unsure? Take Our Substance Use Self-Assessment

If you’re still unsure of whether you may have a substance use problem, take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below. The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result.

Success Rates and Statistics for 30-Day Rehabs

The success rate of 30-day rehab programs can vary widely, depending on the specific treatment program, the level of willingness each person has, the quality of a person’s supportive relationships and social life, whether they are compliant with aftercare planning recommendations, and their overall physical and mental health.1

  • The majority of people who remain in treatment are able to stop using substances and improve their ability to function in various areas of their life, including mentally, at work, and in social relationships, while reducing criminal activity.
  • 40-60% of people who attend treatment stay sober after they finish treatment.1

However, individual treatment outcomes depend on the extent and nature of the patient’s problems, the appropriateness of treatment and related services used to address those problems, and the quality of interaction between the patient and his or her treatment providers.

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